About me

About me
Welcome to my Lifestyle blog, My name is Zoe, i am 23 years old living in a town just outside of London. In my blog you will find the typical lifestyle of a young girl, from affordable fashion, learning how to cook, my favourite must read authors, how i fill my spare time and my recommended hair products and make-up.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Happy Mothers Day :)

It that time of year again that we get to spoil that special person that brought us into this world :)
Mothers Day, my mother is the most important person in the world to me, she's my best friend and inspiration. She made me into the person i am today and for that i will be forever grateful, she told me "The world is my oyster and to follow all my dreams and never be afraid to love too much" <3

We done mother's day a bit differently this year, in all honesty probably my fault for being terribly un-organised, sorrry mum! Leaving it too late to book a table in a nice restaurant, so a quick trip to Sainsburys seemed to save the day picking up a nice French stick, ham, salad, scotch eggs and not to forget mum's favourite chicken flavour sensations. It was a complete success when she said she didn't want to go out anyway and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Presssie's :)
Its like Christmas day, obviously not as big but i still get just as excited about mum opening her presents. Treated my madge to a lovely new handbag for all her little nights out (she has more of a social life them me)

This beautiful little bag is from New Look (again, slight obsession) at another great price of £9.99, it has a lovely modern touch to it but just nice simple bag. Perfect for my mum.

She was given the fantastic lifetime trip to New York last year courtesy of my 'rich' twin sister (not so rich any more ha) Anything New York she adores so when i spotted this awesome New York necklace i knew it was the ultimate present for her. This stunning piece of Jewellery was hiding in the new look sales and only cost me as little as £2.50!!

Mothers Day wouldnt be mothers day without our rock Nana. This is a very personal subject for me at the moment so i'm not going to go too much into it, watching someone you love dearly being take over by dementia is most certainly the hardest thing in the world (got that horrid lump in my throat.. deep breathe Zoe) But i would like to one day, write a blog post about my experience and help others cope with such a traumatic time in their lives and my personal experience of copying and dealing with losing someone that's very much still there.

Hope everyone had a Fantastic day and spoilt your mums rotten :) Enjoy every moment with the ones you love!