About me

About me
Welcome to my Lifestyle blog, My name is Zoe, i am 23 years old living in a town just outside of London. In my blog you will find the typical lifestyle of a young girl, from affordable fashion, learning how to cook, my favourite must read authors, how i fill my spare time and my recommended hair products and make-up.

Monday 14 April 2014

Daytime baking

                    Having a bit of extra time on my hands lately, there's nothing more i enjoy then baking a nice cake and watching other people eat them all in minutes, hence why i only have 2 cakes in my photo, they don't last very long in my household. Thats got to a be a good thing right?

I have to admit they are rather delicious, getting the measurement of the ingredients right is essential in any cake making, something i usually struggle with, don't worry your not alone. You have to get cake baking down to an art for it to be good, practice makes perfect :)

These are my Scales i use for all my baking and cooking in the kitchen, you can get these from most household stores, my one is from Wilkinson, they do a great selection of kitchen essentials and baking equipment.
They have a huge range of different colours, if your not a big lover of pink.

Before i started, i took a quick trip to sainsburys just to grab some ingredients i would need, spending quite a bit of time down the baking isle as you can imagine, i came across these.

How Cute are these? can just see them neatly placed on some tasty iced cup cakes at only a £1 each i couldn't resist.

Browsing through some of my cake books, i have quite few just gifts over the years I'm rather spoilt for choice most of the time. But i fancied baking something nice and simple, certainly something all you can follow very easily.

Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

These cupcakes don't take alot of ingredients, very affordable and so easy to make.


7tbsp Soft Margarine
3 and half oz caster sugar
2 Large Eggs
3 and half oz self-raising flour
3 and a half oz chocolate chips


Mixing Bowl
Muffin Cases
Baking tray
Electric Whisk

Pre-heat your oven to 190oc/375of
Placing the muffin cases on to baking tray
Put the Margarine, sugar, eggs and flour into a mixing bowl and using an electric whisk, beat together until just smooth. Fold in the chocolate chips, spoon the mixture into the paper cases.
Bake for no more then 20-25 minutes or until well risen and a golden brown appearance, carefully transfer them to a wire rack to cool.

Simple easy instructions and some fantastic cup cakes in less then an hour, take my advice these look and taste exceptional.
Keep posted for more fantastic easy baking recipes, i also plan to fill my recipe book soon with some fantastic evening meals and delicious cup cakes just like these perfect Jumbo chocolate chip cupcakes.